Mico Fence Project

The Mico Foundation Fencing Project began in May 2022 with the construction of the first phase, which involved installing 780 feet of fence along Marescaux Road, extending from the entry gate to the exit gate. in front of the Buxton Building. 

The fence constructed of concreted and steel bars replaced the original chain linked fence and has created an aesthetically pleasing appearance that give front of the University College a regal look.  Phase two of the fence project that stretches 460 feet between the exit gate and the Wolmer's Boys School boundary has strengthened the security of the property along the Marescaux Road corridor and continues the great aesthetic appearance of the boundary fence of The Mico University College property. 

Method of Payment

Payment may be made to the Mico Foundation using either of the following facilities:

  1. NCB Duke Street Account # 062323299.
  2. Mico Foundation’s Website at themicofoundationja.org. Click DONATE and go to Mico Fence Project and use that portal to make your donation.