The Mico Foundation News

Honouring Dr. Roderick Karl James, C.D

In 2019 The Mico Foundation, in recognition of the outstanding contribution of Dr. Rodrick Karl James to The Mico University College, named The Mico Child Assessment and Research in Education (CARE) building in St. Ann’s Bay Rodrick Karl James Building in his honour.

Dr. R. Karl James began his governance journey with The Mico College in 1972 when the Jamaica Baptist Union named him as their representative on the Board of Directors. In the mid-1980s, he was appointed Chairman of Mico Board of Directors. His commitment and leadership as chairman for over forty years led to his appointment as Chancellor by the Lady Mico Trust in 2015.

As Chairman of the Board of Directors, Dr. James became a champion of the Mico Child Assessment and Research in Education (CARE) Centre, which was established in 1980 as a joint co-operation between the Governments of Jamaica and the Netherlands. The Care Centre primary purposes are to:

a) Provide world-class diagnostic and therapeutic services to children with multiple disabilities.

b) Allow children in need of such services to access in Jamaica with their families.

c) Provide clinical experience for teachers of children of special needs.

Dr. James’s interest in advancing the work of the Centre was evident in his support of the center Manager, Mrs. Angelita Arnold. Together they consolidated and expanded the work of the Centre by establishing branches outside of Kingston. In the early 1980s, Dr. James engaged the Anglican Parish Church in St Ann’s Bay and friends of special needs children to partner with the Mico to operate the North Central Branch of the Center in church hall in  St Ann’s Bay.

The CARE Centre and the Mico Foundation became faithful stewards to deliver affordable services and to re-invest  surplus earnings to advance its mission. As a result of careful management and patience, the property at Royes Street was acquired and a building was constructed to house the North Central Branch of the Mico CARE Centre. The St. Ann’s Bay CARE Centre was opened in 2008 and is now on par with facilities, staff and service with its parent centre in Kingston. At every step Dr. James played critical roles in the acquisition, building and operation of the Centre.

Dr. James’ impactful and diverse involvement and leadership in The Mico Community is remarkable. His commitment and service are honoured in the naming of the St. Ann's Bay CARE centre building the "Rodrick Karl James Building" in recognition of his sterling contribution . 

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