The Mico Foundation Messages

Rev. Rachel Benson DL

Chairman of The Lady Mico Trust

I am delighted that the Mico Foundation has decided to launch a new website to showcase the work of the Foundation and the offerings of  the Mico University College to students in Jamaica, the Caribbean and beyond. The Lady Mico Trust was founded by Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton in 1834 on Christian principles to support education in Jamaica. Th . . .

Dr. Sylvester Tulloch, CD.

Chairman, The Mico Foundation

I am delighted to welcome you to The Mico Foundation website where you will have the opportunity to learn more about who we are and what we do. Our primary goal is the strategic improvement of the assets of The Mico, its physical expansion and development as a comfortable, safe, and technologically integrated teaching and learning environment, t . . .

Mr. Burchell Duhaney J.P.

Secretary Manager, The Mico Foundation

I am indeed happy to lead the management team of The Mico Foundation at this time when The Mico University College is on the verge of changing its status to full university. As Secretary/Manager, I manage a small team of eight employees who understand the Foundation's obligations and developmental roles and are committed to ensuring its success. . . .

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mico's official gate opening ceremony

the foundation opens gate for the university college feb 2019